
New artwork added to gallery

I recently completed a new digital oil piece entitled “Morning”.

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Visiting The Stoop

This weekend I had the opportunity to visit with Brooklyn-based youth organization The Stoop. A program from THE RE:CONSTRUCTION PERIOD™, a community-based organization that develops and cultivates innovative curriculum and programming to support youth organizations, institutions and communities, The Stoop is a weekly conversation connecting successful Brooklyn creative professionals with Brooklyn high school and middle school students.

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Young speakers take center stage at first TEDx conference exclusively for African youth

On Saturday, April 10, 2010, from 8:00AM6PM GMT, the inaugural TEDxYouthInspire conference will be held at the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT in Accra, Ghana. The free one-day event, a first for young African visionaries ages 14-25, will welcome a host of youth speakers, a Ghanaian dance ensemble and an Academy Award-nominated short film.

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iPromise contribution

President Obama requested in his inaugural address that those who voted for him, and those who did not, remain active and engaged citizens, to inform themselves and make commitments that will forward this country into the next phase of democracy. iPromise answers his request.

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First TEDx conference exclusively for African youth announced

On Saturday, April 10, 2010, from 8:00AM6PM GMT, the inaugural TEDxYouthInspire conference will be held at the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT in Accra, Ghana. The one-day, free event will be the first TEDx event dedicated exclusively to young African visionaries ages 14-25.

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